Title Search for DIGA |
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Frequently Asked Questions What is an App?
It is an application program for iPhone®, iPod touch® and/or iPad®. Please download from the App Store℠. Which DIGA™ can work with Title Search for DIGA?
- for Australia Market Can Title Search for DIGA work with any recorders
other than the above DIGA?
No recorders other than the DIGAs in the above list can work with Title Search for DIGA. Who developed Title Search for DIGA?
Bee Co., Ltd. Can Title Search for DIGA run on Android OS?
Not available for Android OS. Can Title Search for DIGA run on any mobile devices other than iPhone?
Title Search for DIGA does not run on any other devices because Title Search for DIGA is dedicated app for
iPhone, iPod touch and/or iPad. How can I setup my DIGA?
Please see "DIGA Set-up." No MAC address of my iPhone/iPod touch/iPad show
on Device List on my DIGA
This may be solved by the following action. Title Search for DIGA does not detect my DIGA
1. Please confirm if your DIGA supports Title Search for DIGA. DIGAs which support Title Search for DIGA
are listed in the 2nd question of this FAQ. Programs on the Contents List do not match with DIRECT NAVIGATOR’s
Mismatch between Contents List and DIRECT NAVIGATOR’s may happen when new program
is recorded or any programs are deleted. In this case, please reload contents by tapping a
button on the display. No video shows on iPhone/iPod touch/iPad
Title Search for DIGA does not support playback of contents on its display. Where can I get Title Search for DIGA?
You will find Title Search for DIGA on App Store, free of charge.
If you have a Mac or a Windows PC, please launch your iTunes on your Mac or Windows PC to visit App Store. Any other questions
Please visit "Contact us."
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